i've just come back from brastagi. yesterday i went there in order to watch ukiss showcase in mikie holiday. we went there at 11.30pm after i finished my tuition. my friend has told me that there was a long traffic between medan-brastagi and i thought i was just a usual traffic jam. but when i was at padang bulan, the traffic was so long and it hasnt until the halfway to brastagi. when we were just one third of the way to brastagi it has been 1pm! can you imagine? it meant i need 6 hours to arrive in brastagi and that was 5pm! the showcase starts at 5pm man!! so does it mean i dont need to watch the concert? i was very afraid at that time because the traffice was so long and our car just moved a little. stevanie also bbm-ed me asking where i was and she has the same situation with me! her father were pessimist that we could arrive on time, and so do my father. but luckily after we passed sembahe which was causing traffic, all of the way there's no traffic. we arrived in brastagi at 4pm and we went to eat as soon as possible. finished eating we directly went to mikie as it was almost 5pm.
in next post i'll post some of the photos i took during the concert.

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