yesterday i watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2. I watched the one in 3D, and it really worthed. Like finally, i've waited for 2 weeks since it was premiered all around the world but not in indonesia. because of indonesia new rules which is not going to let blockbuster film entering the cinema, i was curious whether i cant watch the last part of Harry Potter series or not. Then indonesians trended #IndonesiaWantsHarryPotter, not long after that cinema21 (indonesia famous cinema) tweeted that Harry Potter could be watched in indonesia. Once this statement was released i thought all indonesians were happy and yes finally Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 premiered on 29 July 2011. I was so lucky to have watched it on the premiere day as this is the last part of Harry Potter series. Harry Potter has been my favorite one since my childhood and will always be.

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