November 25, 2012

Highschool Teachers' Day collection.

Happy teachers' day to every teacher in the world! Too bad it fell on sunday because usually my school always do a celebration and let the students have a break for .. 3 hours? It's absolutely mini heaven lol I miss those times especially my last year of high school teachers' day. I still remembered my class was exactly beside the stage (yes, we always have stage to do performance for the teachers) so we could watch the performances clearly from our class. We gave many cakes to most of our teachers and went around the building to find the teachers. This time, our class decided to wear red ribbons and had balloons all over the class. I totally enjoyed this moment, probably my best teachers' day memory among all we've done. The show was started late and I didnt know if they actually made it long but it hadnt finished yet even after lunch break. After giving the cake to our form teacher (because he's the hardest one to find), we watched a korean horror movie 'White'. I've no idea who brought this dvd geez! We watched it using class' projector and my friend even brought a speaker. Im sure he's well-prepared before this ._. First I didnt want to watch it because I was afraid of these kind of things but then I joined since this will be the last time we enjoy this kind of moment. At the end, it's like 'AAAAAA' 'NOOO WHAT THE HELL IS THAT' 'ERGHHHHH'

XII-IA-03 Teachers' Day: H.O.T 66th Teachers Day
XI-IA-03 Teachers' Day: XI-IA-03 Teachers Day
X-03 Teachers' Day: X-03's Teachers Day

XII-IA-03 Teachers' Day

XI-IA-03 Teachers' Day

X-03 Teachers' Day

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