March 12, 2015

Movie review: Love Forecast

This movie is up on my list after I saw they casted Lee Seung Gi and Moon Chae Won as the main lead. Both of them have been one of my favorite OTP ever since they were paired in Brilliant Legacy. At first the title was Today's Love and as you know, Korean movie/drama often has lots of names until they fix it to the final one. Love Forecast was released around January 2015 so it's still kinda difficult if you want to find the eng sub version. Lee Seung Gi is Kang Junsu, an ordinary elementary school teacher who has been dumped lots of times by his girlfriends. Moon Chae Won as Kim Hyun Woo, a pretty and popular weather reporter who has been his bestfriend for 18 years. Junsu has always been around her, helping her when she was drunk or taking car of her household cores. Even his family considers her as their family member. In the other side, Hyun Woo dates her producer, acted by Lee Seo Jin, who is actually a married man. Im pretty confuse at first; in the movie they didnt state he has married but in the middle suddenly there's a scandal saying Hyun Woo entered a hotel with a married man. Actually Junsu has fallen in love with Hyun Woo since 18 years ago and he has confessed to her before but she said she didnt feel any vibe when she hugged him. So basically this is a movie with the concept two bestfriends dont realise that they are actually each other's soulmate and you can even guess how the ending will be. To be honest the story is very very ordinary; even I find it similar to a Taiwanese drama named In Time With You (I will review it when I have time) and I should say the Taiwanese version is muchhhhh better. Junsu is portrayed as her daddy long legs but I feel he didnt give his best performance. Many people anticipated this movie because it's the first movie for Lee Seung Gi and he acted with Moon Chae Won. I've read some reviews and most of them say this movie is rather flat and I have to agree with them. They tried to make jokes in some parts but it didnt pull out well. The progress of the story is also a bit weird; at the beginning mostly they tell about Hyun Woo dating his producer and in the middle suddenly she and Junsu agree to date each other but never state themselves as couple. If the main couple isnt them, I dont think I will watch the movie. The poster and teaser are actually very interesting but too bad they fail in the execution. But perhaps you can give it a try. Maybe we have different taste ㅋ
PS: In Time With You is VERY recommended. Starring Chen Bo Lin as Li Da Ren and Ariel Lin as Cheng You Qing. 

Weather reporter Kim Hyun-woo (Moon Chae-won) is known for her beauty and elegance on television, but off-screen, she drinks and swears a lot. Hyun-woo has been friends for 18 years with Kang Joon-soo (Lee Seung-gi), a mild-mannered elementary school teacher who gives too much of himself in his relationships but always ends up getting dumped. Joon-soo has secretly loved Hyun-woo for years, but she claims she doesn't feel any sexual attraction between them, and he's had to stand by and watch while she fawns over married colleague Dong-jin (Lee Seo-jin) and goes on a blind date with nice but boring photographer Andrew (Jung Joon-young). (wiki)

Rate: 6.5/10

Official trailer:

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